Under the NHS General Medical Services contract, all surgeries must provide essential medical services. As well as these services, West Heath Surgery also offers a number of extra NHS-qualifying services. You’ll find the full list of our NHS services below. We also offer a number of non-NHS services which can be found on our Non-NHS Services page
By offering the maximum possible number of services, we aim to give patients the best possible experience and outcomes.
Alcohol Services
At West Heath we have a range of support options in place if you need help with alcohol related health issues or are looking for advice to reduce your alcohol intake. See your GP or speak to reception for an appointment.
Anti-Coagulation Initiation and Monitoring
We have regular clinics in place for patients who require blood monitoring.
Antenatal /Postnatal Maternity Services including Midwifery
At West Heath we have an in-surgery team of midwives. We also offer a range of pregnancy clinics to help you and your baby stay healthy. Speak to reception for more information.
Baby Clinic including Health Visiting
At West Heath we hold weekly baby clinics to help you monitor your babies health and wellbeing in their first few months. We also have a team of health visitors who will visit you in your home.
Birmingham Healthy Minds (Walk in Clinic)
As well as physical health, West Heath is also here to help you with your mental health and wellbeing. We hold weekly walk in clinics on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 11 and 13:00 which don’t require an appointment, where you can speak in confidence to our Healthy Minds team.
Birmingham Women’s Aid
Are you a woman or a child affected by domestic violence, rape or sexual abuse? Have you experienced or are you worried about forced marriage, honour based violence or female genital mutilation?
Are you a young woman who has experienced violence or abuse in your relationship? Birmingham’s Women’s Aid are here to listen and help.
Cervical Cytology Screening
Women aged 25-64 who are registered with a GP are automatically invited for cervical screening. This includes women who have had the HPV vaccination, as the vaccine doesn’t guarantee complete protection against cervical cancer.
Child Health Surveillance
We have a team who specialise in monitoring child development, offering a range of services such as vaccinations to help support the health and well being of both the child and parents.
Childhood Vaccinations Service
We hold regular child vaccination clinics and vaccinations by appointment. Speak to to reception to book and appointment for your child.
Chronic Disease Management including Asthma, Cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Mental Health and Stroke and TIA
Our specialist teams and clinics are in place to help people who are managing a chronic disease. Speak to reception or your GP about what services are in place to help you and your family.
Citizens Advice Bureau
As well as health advice we can also offer Citizens Advice appointments, which can give you free impartial legal, financial, social and educational advice.
Community Audiology (provided by Southdoc Services)
We offer a range of tests and services to help you manage problems with your hearing. Speak to reception or your GP for more information.
Community Dermatology (provided by UHB)
We offer a range of treatments and services to help you manage and treat skin conditions.
Community Gynaecology (provided by Health Harmonie)
Our Gynaecology team is in place to support women with health conditions.
Contraception Services including Emergency Contraception
West Heath offers free contraception and family planning advice. Speak to your GP or Nurse for more information.
We have team of counsellors who are available to support you, speak to your GP for a referral.
Dietary Advice Services and Health Trainers
Our specialist team will help you plan and manage your diet relevant to your health conditions and or treatment.
Drug Addiction and Misuse Services
At West Heath we have a team of experienced drug workers who are in place to help you if you have a substance addiction or misuse problem. Speak to reception or your GP in confidence to get access to the service.
Family Planning and Preconception Advice
If you are looking to start a family and want advice our team of Family Planning nurses and doctors can help you with advice and referrals to other services.
Goserlin Administration
If you have been prescribed Goserlin or Zoladex injections we have a team in place to administer your medication. Speak to your GP about the options.
Influenza (Flu) and Pnuemoccocal Vaccinations
Flu jabs are available at West Heath. Anyone aged 65 and over, pregnant women, children and adults with an underlying health condition (particularly long-term heart or respiratory disease)
and children and adults with weakened immune systems are recommended to have the vaccine.
Joint Injections
If you have been prescribed medication via injections we have appointments available to administer your treatment. Speak to reception or you GP to manage your appointments.
Learning Disability Services
We have a range of services available for both children and adults who have learning difficulties. Speak to your GP or reception for more information.
Mental Health Services
As well as physical health, your mental health is also important. Speak to your GP or receptionist about the range of services, treatments and advice we can offer to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing.
Minor Injury Treatment
We have facilities in place to manage and treat minor injuries. Speak to your GP, Nurse or reception for information.
Minor Surgery
We have a team and facilities available to carry out certain types of minor surgery, you will be referred by your GP.
Near Patient Testing Services
For certain medical conditions we have facilities to test and get results on-site.
New Patient Health Checks
When you join the surgery we carry out a New Patient check to assess your health and wellbeing and discuss details of any ongoing conditions you may have. You can register online or over the phone.
Phlebotomy Service
If you need a blood test this can be carried out at West Heath, for available times please speak to reception.
Podiatry Service
We have a foot health practitioner who can provide nail cutting and foot care. Please contact reception to book an appointment. Please note that there is a fee for accessing this service.
Post Surgical Wound Care Management
After you have had an operation you may need help with caring and cleaning your wound, we have a range of nurses and doctors who can help you with this.
Rheumatology Monitoring Services
If you have been diagnosed with a joint, muscle or ligament condition such as arthritis we offer regular checkups to help you manage your condition.
Smoking Cessation Clinic
Quitting smoking is difficult, that’s why we offer free stop smoking support clinics which will help you on your journey to a healthier, smoke free life.
Travel Vaccinations
Travelling abroad? You may need travel vaccinations or medication, these services often come with an additional cost. Speak to reception about travel clinics and appointments.
Well Man Clinic including Health MOT
The NHS now offers every man over 40 with a free health check, this is important and can help you stay healthy. Speak to reception to book your appointment.
Well Woman Clinic including Health MOT
The NHS now offers every woman over 40 with a free health check, this is important and can help you stay healthy. Speak to reception to book your appointment.