To ensure our performance and the service we provide to our patients is aligned with our ambitions and core values, West Heath Surgery regularly reviews feedback given through a variety forums, using feedback given by our patients to challenge our current performance to effectively evolve and develop our services for the benefit of those we care for.
To review the feedback we have received through the NHS Choices platform or to submit feedback yourself, please visit: Ratings and reviews – West Heath Surgery – NHS (
The Surgery works within the Quality and Outcomes framework (QOF) to make sure multiple aspects of our patients care is monitored, with appropriate measures taken where necessary. For further information on our performance regarding QOF, our patient demographic, the satisfaction levels of our patients and for a further opportunity for feedback to be given, please visit our National General Practice Profile: National General Practice Profiles – Data – OHID (
Modern Slavery Act 2015
In addition to performing towards national QOF targets and working towards delivering excellent care to our patients, West Heath Surgery also recognises its responsibility to address and mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within its operations. This statement sets out our commitment and actions taken to do our part to eradicate these abhorrent practices, as well as meet the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
All of the Surgery’s team are aware of their rights and responsibilities and the importance of recognising and responding to any potential cases of Modern Slavery. Our patients are our key priority with all of our team receiving suitable training upon joining the Surgery and regularly updating their knowledge around identifying and dealing with those who may have been involved in modern slavery and human trafficking throughout their career with us.
West Heath Surgery is opposed to the exploitation of workers through any form of forced or bonded labour, slavery, human trafficking or other labour practices that involve harsh or inhumane treatment- The Surgery aims to provide a diverse workplace that provides a safe and healthy environment and complies with or exceeds local law and will also work in collaboration with its patients to support any external claims or notifications of Modern Slavery.