Our surgery is fully accessible for disabled patients.
If you need wheelchair access please use the main entrance at the front of the building. Alternatively, you can use the staff entrance from the car park which is at the rear of the building. Both of our entrances offer level access. We have lifts on the ground floor which will take you up to the first floor treatment rooms.
If you need any help accessing the building or using the facilities, please ask a member of staff on reception who will be happy to help you.
We have fully compliant facilities, including disabled toilets and inductions loops. Please ask our reception staff further details or contact us online for any queries you may have.
Are you a Carer?
If you are a carer please let us know – we may be able to help you. Caring responsibilities can sometimes be difficult, challenging and isolating. Informing your GP Surgery that you’re a carer is important, as it helps us so understand your needs and ways in which we can support you.
If you require further information on support options available to you, please visit Social care helplines and forums – NHS (www.nhs.uk).