Dr Antek Bobak sets up our practice. To begin with, Dr Bobak works from his own home on the practice’s current site.
Dr Malcolm Horry joins our practice, making it a two partner practice.
The building is extended. Two new consulting rooms helps us provide a wider service to patients.
There’s a big upsurge in local housing development, notably on the new Hawksley Estate. As a result, land is purchased for us on Grange Hill Road. This becomes a branch site for West Heath Surgery, to cater for the new residents of Kings Norton.
Due to the increase in local residents, we become a three partner practice. This means we can provide a wider range of health care services to patients.
Our current Senior Partner, Dr Ashok Vora, joins us. Dr Vora replaces the previous outgoing third partner.
Practice Nursing is introduced to the General Practice Team. Nurses go on to be an integral part of the Practice Clinical Team. They now offer speciality care in a number of disease areas. These areas include diabetes, asthma, and coronary heart disease.
The whole of the building becomes part of the practice premises. The ground floor is used as consulting rooms and a reception area. Upstairs becomes the caretaker’s flat.
We introduce computers to our practice for the first time. This means that parts of our patients’ medical records can be accessed more efficiently.
The first floor of the building is developed. It becomes home to management offices, library, and conference room.
The new medical contract for GP surgeries comes into effect. At this time, it’s the largest reform to GP practices since the NHS began. It helps us provide an even better standard of care to patients.
Under the new contract, our Grange Hill Road branch site is put in a different primary care area. Because of this change, our surgeries are then separated. .
Our surgery is Paper Light Accredited. We’re the first surgery in the South Birmingham Primary Care Trust to get this award. Patient records can now be stored on computers, rather than on paper as in the past. As a result, patient information can be accessed at the touch of a button. This means that patients can enjoy even higher standards of care.
West Heath Surgery moves into the newly built West Heath Medical Centre premises. The Medical Centre is built on the site of the previous surgery, which had two consulting rooms and one treatment room. The new building has eleven consulting rooms, a treatment room, a minor operations theatre, and various other health service rooms. This means the surgery can offer many more services to patients.
This year sees the largest re-organisation of the NHS since it began. Primary Care Trusts and Health Authorities are abolished. West Heath Surgery becomes a member of the newly formed Birmingham South Central Clinical Commissioning Group.
West Heath Surgery becomes part of MyHealthcare, an innovative project to deliver 7 day a week care to patients. It is funded by the Prime Ministers Challenge Fund.