
Introductions were made, with 1 new member joining us for this meeting, with 5 representatives as a whole during this meeting.

Minutes of the last meeting (18th December) were quickly reviewed, including

  • Concerns over consultation room doors creating a hazard – resolved with all ‘soft close’ devices being replaced when required.
  • Access to Mental Health support for patients. Confirmed access still available bi-weekly at the surgery for BHM drop in service and additional MH support is being offered via our own MH Nurse; Clare Harper.
  • Confirmation of community wellbeing initiative – the Practice Manager is in ongoing discussions with Gateway. An upcoming event for carers will be hosted at the surgery, details to be confirmed.
  • Lighting concerns in the carpark – timer has now been adjusted and this should have resolved this issue.

Agenda items from the Surgery

  • The Practice Manager gave an update on the merger between West Heath Surgery and West Heath Primary Care Centre. Invitations were sent out to patients for West Heath Primary Care for involvement with PPG but little to no engagement so far. Discussed options to increase engagement from patients. Panel members felt there was little more that could be done as it is advertised among patients. Suggested some posters for main waiting areas in both practices as although information is provided on website, NHS App, TV screens and patient welcome packs, it can sometimes be missed amongst all of the other information. The Practice Manager confirmed provisional merger date October 2024.
  • PPG format. The Practice Manager discussed set up of the PPG being more patient lead. Panel members confirmed they prefer evening meetings, suggestions were made around attendees from surgery, maybe having more senior members like GPs/partners may improve engagement.


Agenda items from patients

  • Discussions about patient engagement lead on to a discussion about the NHS app. Surgery representation confirmed surgery plans to aim to encourage patients to engage via the NHS app increasing benefits available to them however, the surgery is very much aware the APP is not necessarily user friendly and are committed to ensuring fairness throughout their patient list. Although more appointments will be being made available via the app, reception team have been given autonomy to override this process if we have users who are unable to access the APP for a variety of reasons.
  • Patient feedback was discussed. A group member raised some points re duplicate messages via App and Text messaging service. We discussed patient responses to friends and family text messages, online feedback and interaction. Panel members were complimentary of the services offered at WHS in comparison to other local services and expressed satisfaction with our reception and clinical teams.
  • Re patient engagement, a group member suggested holding focused groups for people with specific healthcare needs / conditions re asthma or diabetes where patients could attend, meet likeminded people, maybe get lifestyle / coping tips from a clinician etc. Surgery representatives felt this was a really good idea and something they would take away and explore in more detail.


  • A patient representative raised wait times for medications following ordering. Example given re Blood pressure monitoring. The Surgery gave information with regards to home monitoring and the option to loan equipment from the surgery to support with this.
  • A patient representative asked about duplicate messages within the APP and Text messages specifically regarding appointment reminders. This highlighted the volume of communication patients receive prior to an appointment in comparison the surgery’s DNA data. Discussed missed appointments and the surgery’s commitment to monitor this. Explained the process the surgery has in place for missed appointments to aim to ensure fairness across our patient list and minimize wasted appointments for other service users.


Final points

  • Comments over the Surgery’s telephone message were made, with the group feeling it is an extremely long message (2 minutes); is there any way this can be shortened. The Surgery confirmed we are looking at alternative options for our telephony systems and hoping to have an alternative in place.